Learning Analytics

Samples of Work

During my working in Higher Education I have explored the realm of Learning Analytics: Using data to drive important teaching/business decisions. I have been given the opportunity to present my work at conferences and I derived great satisfaction from the positive feedback of attendees.

Interactive Reports

The most recent conference in question was the ACU Learning and Teaching Conference that was held in the North Sydney Campus of ACU. As part of a Learning Analytics showcase (part of the futures booth) I was tasked with creating numerous interactive PowerBI reports using teaching data derived from our Learning Management System.

Below is a sample exploration of the report.


The reports were loaded onto iPads and accessed via the official PowerBI app. What truly excited me about the app was that anyone could interact with the reports and ‘slice and dice’ the data available. I linked the reports to the ‘DIKW pyramid’, and the fact that reports could prompt users into investigating the data and discover patterns. This concept resonated with many of the attendees who were academics and taught online. It addressed an interesting problem that they encounter all the time: ‘Are my students interacting with the resources I have created?’.

1 comment

  1. It’s hard to find knowledgeable people for this subject, but you seem like you know what you’re talking about! Thanks

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